We thank God for the huge success of #BOW6.
Thank you for coming!
See you at #BOW7!
God bless you!
www.facebook.com/bestofworship for pictures & videos
Monday, 27 November 2017
Monday, 13 November 2017
The Best of Worship (BOW) 6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Best of Worship (BOW) 6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
{Q} What is BOW?
{A} BOW is the acronym for Best of Worship. BOW is an international and interdenominational annual Concert.
{Q} What is BOW?
{A} BOW is the acronym for Best of Worship. BOW is an international and interdenominational annual Concert.
{Q} Who are the organizers of BOW 6?
{A} BOW is powered by the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Lagos Province 28, 43 and 19 respectively.
{A} BOW is powered by the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Lagos Province 28, 43 and 19 respectively.
{Q} When is BOW 6 holding this year?
{A} BOW 6 will hold on Friday, 17th November 2017 from 7pm (19.00 GMT) till dawn!
{A} BOW 6 will hold on Friday, 17th November 2017 from 7pm (19.00 GMT) till dawn!
{Q} Where is BOW 6 holding this year?
{A} BOW 6 will hold live at the Caleb International College Sports Ground, CMD Road, off Television Continental (TVC) beside Zenith Bank, Ikosi, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.
{A} BOW 6 will hold live at the Caleb International College Sports Ground, CMD Road, off Television Continental (TVC) beside Zenith Bank, Ikosi, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.
{Q} Who are the Guests ministering at this year’s BOW 6?
{A} Pastor Silvanus Akinsulore (PICP LP 28), Pastor Toks Adetayo (PICP LP 43), Billy Green (Italy), Bukola Bekes, Bidemi Olaoba, Femi Okunuga and other great and Anointed Maestros!
{A} Pastor Silvanus Akinsulore (PICP LP 28), Pastor Toks Adetayo (PICP LP 43), Billy Green (Italy), Bukola Bekes, Bidemi Olaoba, Femi Okunuga and other great and Anointed Maestros!
{Q} Any admission requirements to the event venue?
{A} None! Admission is absolutely FREE!
{A} None! Admission is absolutely FREE!
{Q} Questions bothering on security?
{A} Maximum security of lives is guaranteed by the grace of God. Well trained security officers will be at the venue to maintain law and order.
{A} Maximum security of lives is guaranteed by the grace of God. Well trained security officers will be at the venue to maintain law and order.
{Q} Who can attend BOW 6?
{A} Attendance is open to all and sundry!
{A} Attendance is open to all and sundry!
{Q} Who can I talk to for further enquiries or questions?
{A} Please text or call 08022737965
{A} Please text or call 08022737965
{Q} What should I be expecting at this year’s BOW 6?
{A} Expect the very best of worship and ambience of God’s glory
{A} Expect the very best of worship and ambience of God’s glory
{Q} Can I come with family and friends?
{A} Sure you can and should. You will enjoy unadulterated worship, wonders and warmth
{A} Sure you can and should. You will enjoy unadulterated worship, wonders and warmth
{Q Will the programme be live-streamed for participants across the globe?
{A} Our media Partners; RTM, Wig Radio and Live Streaming Company shall be live streaming this live-transforming event.
{A} Our media Partners; RTM, Wig Radio and Live Streaming Company shall be live streaming this live-transforming event.
Thank you!
Friday, 10 November 2017
You are cordially invited to the Best of Worship (BOW) Concert happening LIVE in Lagos Nigeria on the 17th November, 2017.
Ministering :
Pastor Toks ADETAYO (PICP LP 43)
Pastor Silvanus AKINSULORE (PICP LP 28)
Billy GREEN (Genova Liguria Italy)
Bukola BEKES
Tosin BEE
AY for GOD
Yemi OLUFEMI (Y Piano)
Timileyin OLUWA (SAX)
Stephen KING (MC)
BS6 CHOIR and....YOU!
17th November, 2017 @ Caleb Sports Centre,CMD Road,off TVC, Ikosi,Lagos,Nigeria from 19.00hrs (7pm) till dawn.
08022737965 (+234)
Invite family and friends!
GOD will be there with His Entourage, please be there!!!
#reshare #RT #Megaconcert #keepthedate #savethedate #prayfortheday #planfortheday #BS6 #bestofworship #bow #worldwide #global #sing #singthesong #worshiphismajesty #lagosworships #nigeriaworships #africaworships #globalstage #bestever
Monday, 25 September 2017
When we shout and get wrought-up...
It's simply because we are exultantly overwhelmed with joy inexplicable!
We can't hold our peace until the glory of His unadulterated worship saturates the earth.
Get ready....
Join over thousands of deep worshippers on the 17th November 2017 @ Caleb Sports Centre, CMD Road, off TVC,Ikosi,Lagos State, Nigeria from 19.00hrs till dawn!
Spread the good news, it's BOW Season Six!
#bestofworship #bowseason6
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
The Best of Worship Concert!
Brace yourself...
17-11-17 @ 5000 capacity Caleb International School Sport Centre, CMD of TVC, Lagos, Nigeria.
Media Partners:
BENTV London, RTM South Africa, Wigradio Nigeria.
Brace yourself...
17-11-17 @ 5000 capacity Caleb International School Sport Centre, CMD of TVC, Lagos, Nigeria.
Media Partners:
BENTV London, RTM South Africa, Wigradio Nigeria.
It promises to be superably awesome!
Global Participation|Volunteers-
Whatsapp-08022737965 (+234)
#Reshare #RT #Megaconcert
#keepthedate #savethedate #prayfortheday #planfortheday #BS6 #bestofworship #bow #worldwide #global #sing #singthesong #worshiphismajesty #lagosworships #nigeriaworships #africaworships #globalstage #bestever #praise
Global Participation|Volunteers-
Whatsapp-08022737965 (+234)
#Reshare #RT #Megaconcert
#keepthedate #savethedate #prayfortheday #planfortheday #BS6 #bestofworship #bow #worldwide #global #sing #singthesong #worshiphismajesty #lagosworships #nigeriaworships #africaworships #globalstage #bestever #praise
Sunday, 30 July 2017
You are cordially invited to the Best of Worship (BOW) Concert happening LIVE on the 17th November, 2017.
It promises to be exceedingly GREAT!
Global Participation|Volunteers-
Whatsapp-08022737965 (+234)
#Reshare #RT #Megaconcert
#keepthedate #savethedate #prayfortheday #planfortheday #BS6 #bestofworship #bow #worldwide #global #sing #singthesong #worshiphismajesty #lagosworships #nigeriaworships #africaworships #globalstage #bestever #praise
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Key Verses for Why God Deserves Our All:
"Who has ever given to God that God should repay him? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen. Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship." (Rom. 11:35-12:1)
Key Attributes of God Leading to the Presentation of Ourselves to Him:
God is our life. If it wasn't for His mercy we would have nothing, including life itself.
Key Issues for Worship:
- It's about giving Him our all, not simply the parts we are okay with giving.
The greatest commandment is that you "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matt. 22:37).
- It's about giving Him our best, the first fruits of our lives, not simply the leftovers of our time, money and resources.
We are to present ourselves to Him "as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God" (Rom. 12:1).
- It's about giving Him our hearts, not simply our words or deeds.
Let's not be like those of whom God said, "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men" (Isa. 29:13).
Key Focus in a Lifestyle of Worship:
What can we sacrifice to Him?
Remember that He did not hold back on our behalf. Jesus gave His very life for us. "In view of God's mercy" how can we not be that "living sacrifice?"
As a "living sacrifice" we will continually offer to Him ourselves and all that we have and do. As such, because of His mercy, we enter into a lifestyle of worship.
Implications for the Worship Leader:
- Be careful not to give the impression that people can come and sing a few songs, say amen, put an offering in the plate, and have done their "spiritual act of worship." Emphasize that worship encompasses the totality of their lives.
- Encourage people to lay their all on the altar, to be "living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God."
- Focus on the heart, not form or methodology, for it must be from the heart that people present themselves to God. (See Matt. 12:33-37.)
Implications for the Individual Worshiper:
- Guard your heart so that it doesn't become stubborn (Jer. 13:10) or turn away, get distracted, or become lukewarm. Keep that first love (Rev. 2:1-7) so you are not drawn elsewhere or tempted to give less than all to Him (Deut. 30:15-20).
- In corporate worship, be willing to lay down your preferences and comfort zone. Be willing to give to God as He has prospered you when the offering plate passes by (1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor. 9:6-8). Remember, sacrifice is a part of worship.
- Come before the Lord with joy and gladness as you present yourself wholly to Him, not begrudgingly (Ps. 100:2; 2 Cor. 9:7).
I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. (Ps. 34:1-3)
Suppose you are in a classroom sitting in a circle. The teacher informs you that each person, in turn, is to share one way we can exalt God as the Only True God. How would you respond when it becomes your turn?
Even if you are the last person in the circle, there should be something you can answer. You see, we exalt God with more than our words of praise and music. After those responses are given, you might have to think about it a bit.
Other ways to exalt God include the following:
- We exalt God when we value what He views as important. We are saying that His opinions and heart are supreme, hence, exalting Him.
- We exalt God when we obey His commands. We are saying that His ways are best, hence, exalting Him.
- We exalt God when we line up what we do with His Word, following His ways. We are saying that He is the final standard, hence, exalting Him.
- We exalt God when we help other people in their struggles by pointing them to God. We are saying that He is the ultimate source of strength, comfort, peace, and hope, hence, exalting Him.
Worship is about exalting God above all else, singling Him out as the Only True God of whom there is no greater.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name. Bring an offering and come before Him. (1 Cor. 16:29)
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise. (Heb. 13:15)
Notice two important points in the opening words of Hebrews 13:15.
- We come on the merits of Jesus. We only have something to give because He was sacrificed on our behalf. — “Through Jesus, therefore, …”
- Based on all Jesus has done for us, it only makes sense that our worship is constant. — “continually offer”
In light of these truths, think through the implications about what we can we offer Him.
- We can offer our money and material goods to Him. . . . Yet, He owns it anyway. (Col. 1:16)
- We can offer our service. . . . Yet, apart from Christ we can do nothing. (Jn. 15:5)
- We can offer our mouths to be His witnesses. . . . Yet, it is the power of God that saves. (Rom. 1:16)
- We can offer our compliance to do things His way. . . . Yet, it is only in our best interest to do so as His ways are better than our ways. (Isa. 55:9)
- We can offer our very lives to the Lord. . . . Yet, it is only our “reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1, KJV).
Let’s not pat ourselves on the back because we serve, witness, obey, and commit our lives to Him … even if we do so more than the next person. We can only offer any of the above to Him because of what He has already given us or done for us.
Let’s heed the words written to the Corinthian church:
@BestofWorshipWhat do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not? (1 Cor. 4:7)
We acknowledge that God certainly is deserving of praise but sometimes we struggle to make worship a priority or reality in our lives. We have access to much teaching and writing on worship, plenty of worship resources, to help us. Yet, we still at times fail to worship “in spirit and in truth” as Jesus said of true worshipers in John 4:24.
Why don’t we always worship as we should? Here are some possible hindrances which I will list here:
- Self – my own needs, conveniences, time, advantage, blessing, etc. come above God
- Concept of God – either physical or mental misrepresentation of God
- False Gods – anything that would pull you away from worshiping the one true God
- Our Culture – the influence of the world around us
- Service – being so busy ministering that we neglect God
- Irreconciled Relationships – relationships where there is mistreatment or lack of forgiveness
- Traditions – self-styled worship rather than God’s method
- Worship “Props” – those forms, styles, facilities, or people which aid us in worship
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want these hindrances to block me from truly worshiping. God is so worthy of my complete and undistracted devotion and love expressed through worship!
"The whole person, with all his senses, with both mind and body, needs to be
involved in genuine worship."
Jerry Kerns
"The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in
God which made David dance."
C.S. Lewis
"When God's people begin to praise and worship Him using the Biblical methods
He gives, the Power of His presence comes among His people in an even greater
Graham Truscott
"God is to be praised with the voice, and the heart should go therewith in holy
Charles H. Spurgeon
"Worship is an it-is-well-with-my-soul experience." -
Robert Webber
"Without worship, we go about miserable."
A. W. Tozer
"'A glimpse of God will save you. To gaze at Him will sanctify you."
Manley Beasley
"We only learn to behave ourselves in the presence of God."
C. S. Lewis
"If we are going to worship in Spirit, we must develop a spirit of worship."
Michael Catt
"As worship begins in holy expectancy, it ends in holy obedience. Holy obedience
saves worship from becoming an opiate, an escape from the pressing needs of modern
Richard Foster
"Worship has been misunderstood as something that arises from a feeling which "comes upon you," but it is vital that we understand that it is rooted in a conscious act of the will, to serve and obey the Lord Jesus Christ."
Graham Kendrick
"Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped"
Jack Hayford
"Worship must be - Christ centered, Holy Spirit led, a Response to the Father, about Intimacy and Service and always lead to Transformation!"
Tim Hughes
"As John 4:23 says, Its time, as worshipers of God, to give him all we have. For
when he is exalted, everything about me is decreased. So many times we stand in the
way of really stepping into the secret place of worship with God. Just abandon tradition
and the "expected" ways of Praise & Worship and get lost in the holy of holies with the
sole intention of blessing the Fathers heart."
Jessica Leah Springer
"When I worship, I would rather my heart be without words than my words be without
Lamar Boschman
"Worship is first and foremost for His benefit, not ours, though it is marvelous to
discover that in giving Him pleasure, we ourselves enter into what can become our
richest and most wholesome experience in life." p.58 "A Heart For Worship" by Lamar
Graham Kendrick
Beloved! The clock is ticking... tick tock tick tock...So, we have exactly few
Months to Best of Worship Season 6 (BS6). HEAVENS will touch the earth on the
17th November 2017 as we stage the best spiritual and unadulterated worship
platform for the most high God! BOW is not a Church and can never be but we
have a covenant of sure testimonies and God has again promised to do the
unusual this year!

Like you know that to organise BOW isn't cheap at
all because we have been mandated to give God the best to qualify for His best.
We spend on best sound and professional Engineers, light up project, word,
music ministers and excellent musicians, security outfits, coverage and so
on... In light of the foregoing, we shall be giving everyone (starting with the
ministering Maestros) an opportunity to SOW towards this life changing concert.
We expect you to sow into this Project. We have 4 major categories to wit:
- DIAMOND PARTNERS - N100,000 & above
- Gold PARTNERS - N50,000-99,999
- SILVER PARTNERS - N30,000-49,999
4. Bronze PARTNERS - Any amount from N1.00 Kindly
choose from any of the above categories and just either 1,2,3 or 4 via private
chat. We shall be praying specially for all PARTNERS and we undoubtedly trust
that the Almighty God shall release financial breakthroughs that will cause nations
to envy us in Jesus name!
For further information: 08022737965 (Whatsapp)
God bless you real good!
Paul Mashote For: Best of Worship Concert
It's indeed a year of PLEASANT SURPRISES...
The Best of Worship international & interdenominational CONCERT will shake the entire African Continent on the 17TH NOVEMBER, 2017 if Jesus tarried His coming!
The Best of Worship (BOW) is a covenant worship concert commissioned to create a global platform for undiluted worship and God on His part creates endless Atmosphere of Miracles.
Global Participation|Volunteers-
Whatsapp-08022737965 (+234)
Whatsapp-08022737965 (+234)
Thursday, 29 June 2017
While worship can occur elsewhere, the
assembly of the saints is a special and unique opportunity for
Christians. But sometimes worship seems more like an obligation than a
privilege. There are some things we can do to make worship more
meaningful and far more powerful. Here are some tips.
1. Relationship
True worship can only exist within a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Father was looking for people to worship him (John 4:23). God desires our worship but without some relationship with him there can be no true worship. It is probably useful to consider the strength and depth of your relationship with God. If you find it lacking, do not despair! God will draw near to you as you draw near to him (James 4:8).2. Anticipation
David said, “I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord” (Psalm 122:1). An air of excitement should fill the Christian because he knows he is headed to meet his God. He looks forward to the fellow saints and their encouragement. He looks forward to, anticipates and expects to be filled with a grand spirit of worship before the Lord’s throne.3. Understanding
Jesus told the woman at the well that worship must be done in truth (John 4:24). By implication that means that worship can be done improperly or falsely. So it is important to seek a studied understanding of who, what and why we worship. Careful attention was demanded of worshipers in the Old Testament. In the New, God commands true worship and rebukes those who change or pervert it. The Corinthians were an excellent example of well meaning people who worshiped improperly. Paul corrected their errors. A better understanding of worship will help provide a greater worship environment.@BestofWorship
A recent comment made here asked some important questions about worship. He mentioned John 4:24 and Jesus’ comment that true worshipers must worship God “in spirit and in truth.” I think it would be helpful for us to spend some time thinking about what it means to worship in spirit and to worship in truth. Let’s set the passage before us first:
Should our presence in worship be that of a spectator or a participant? It’s a good question and one that is discussed at the Sharefaith blog.
I am uncertain as to the religious background of the author but he
makes some fine points. He is right on target in suggesting problems
with worship in both the liberal and the more conservative faiths.
I commend this article for your consideration and prayerful meditation.@BestofWorship
I love music. I especially love the music of the church,
those voices blending in harmony bring me to ecstasy. But it’s the
words of the songs that are so important. Singing in worship is not an
accidentally thought inserted by men. It is appointed by God and has a
divine purpose.
Pastor Kunle Ajayi's Ministeration at Best of Worship International Concert!
Enjoy...share to bless others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=575CUgG_xo4
Follow us/Tweet:@bestofworship
Watch out for BOW SEASON 6...it will be explosively glorious!
is nothing sweeter than the pure sounds of Christian voices blending
together in worship. God’s wisdom is seen in the inclusion of singing in
worship. God created the physics behind sound waves and the lovely
harmonies they produce. He created the human ear and its intricacies
that absorb those sound waves and transmit them to the brain where they
are decoded into the joyous sounds we enjoy. The lyrics of the song
convey meaning while the harmonies touch the heart.
Monday, 15 May 2017
It'll be the best ever!
We will worship the Almighty God like never before!
Bigger...Better....Best ever!
#bestofworship #BS6 #BOWSeason6 #October2017! #Saveit!
@bestofworship (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook)
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S hould our presence in worship be that of a spectator or a participant? It’s a good question and one that is discussed at the Sharefa...